Regex ends with
Regex ends with

SQL query to Illustrate the use of Question Mark (?) quantifier. SQL query to Illustrate the use of Plus(+) quantifier. SQL query to Illustrate use of Star (*) quantifier. In this example, customer_names with capital ‘K’ in them will be matched. SQL query to Illustrate the use of Dot (.) quantifier.Īny Character Dot (.) quantifier matches with any string containing that character. Having created the customer_details table, let us now feed some information into the table columns using insert statements as shown below. We can use the following SQL statements to perform the task. In order to do so, let us first create a ‘customer_details’ table which contains customer id, his or her name, contact details, and the city where they live. Here are a few examples to illustrate the use and functions of different quantifiers in regular expressions.


On the basis of this table, you can create other quantifiers such as +? Or *? for non-greedy versions of plus (+) quantifier and asterisk (+) quantifier, i.e matching just zero or one occurrences. In the table above, we have tried to incorporate the most basic and frequently used meta-characters or quantifiers used for creating complex regular expressions. Matches the character class, for example, matches ] to digits, ] to space, _] to alpha numerics, etc. It is used to isolate different alternatives in a regular expression. Matches an expression only if it occurs at the end of a line. Matches an expression only if it occurs at the beginning of a line.

regex ends with

Matches at least ‘a’ occurrences of subexpression or string preceding to it but not more than ‘b’ occurrences. Matches at least ‘a’ occurrences of subexpression or string preceding to it. Matches exact ‘a’ occurrences of subexpression or string preceding to it. Matches any character except the ones mentioned in the list. Matches any character mentioned in the list. Matches zero or one occurrence of the subexpression/ strings preceding to it. Matches one or more occurrences of the subexpression/ strings preceding to it. Matches zero or more occurrences of the subexpression/ strings preceding to it.

regex ends with

Matches any single character in the character set of the database. Here is the list of some of the most frequently used operators or metacharacters for making regular expressions in SQL.

regex ends with

Hadoop, Data Science, Statistics & others List of Operators Used for REGEXP in SQL

Regex ends with